Parent filed Complaint under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) raising broad-based procedural and substantive challenges to the evaluation of and services provided to her son, a high school student of generally average intelligence who was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and specific learning disabilities in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics calculation. Decision analyzes the applicable standard of review; the sufficiency of evaluations; the sufficiency of the IEPs, FBA, specialized instruction, and accommodations; the implementation of the IEPs; and the parent's participation in IEP development and finds that no violation of the IDEA.
The Respondent school district and AEA prevailed on all issues. Evaluations addressing all areas of suspected disability were conducted. Executive function deficits related to ADHD were not ignored. The Respondent school district provided the student with specialized instruction, services, and accommodations that allowed the student to participate in and progress through the general education curriculum. Standardized testing showed student was performing in the average range in all subject areas tested, including the areas in which learning disabilities were documented.