Appellants are the parents of 2 minor boys who attend the District. It was unclear from their affidavit of appeal as to what relief they sought. Accordingly, a prehearing conference was held to determine whether the State Board of Education had jurisdiction over this appeal.
The affidavit covers in detail the various complaints Appellants filed against District staff. During the prehearing conference, Appellants stated the relief that they sought was the reinstatement of Lucas on his assigned school bus; reimbursement for providing Lucas transportation to school; award of attorney fees; and the reassignment of the bus driver. The affidavit does not raise any of these issues.
Iowa Code section 290.6 states that the State Board is not authorized to award monetary judgements or any other compensation. The State Board has not authority to entertain Appellants' requests.Personnel decisions of the local boards of education do not aggrieve students in a legal sense and are not subject to 290.1 appeals.
Appellants are not without avenues of relief. They may seek legal advice and file an appropriate cause of action in a court of law.
This appeal was dismissed.