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Decision Number
Ramy Younes
Lori Price
Iowa High School Athletic Association
Full Text

Ramy was a junior at S.E. Webster and is a citizen of France. He attended the District as a sophomore during the 2001-2002 school year under the auspices of a foreign exchange program. He returned to his home in France. Ramy's return to the United States was delayed due to the terrorism acts of September 11th. Ramy finally was granted a visa and has been attending classes in the District since classes resumed on January 6, 2003. Ramy attended classes while awaiting clearance to travel to Iowa. Ramy desires to compete again for the S.E. Webster track team during the 2003 track season.

IHSAA relied on the General Transfer Rule when it determined Ramy ineligible for 90 school days because Ramy was no longer a foreign exchange student. Ramy's advocates recognized that the IHSAA had the authority to rule as it did. However, Ramy's delay to return to the District was beyond his control. It was found that although athletics were not the motivating factor for Ramy's return to S.E. Webster, this does not negate the validity of the General Transfer Rule, which is applicable and controlling because the rule is reasonably related to achieving the IHSAA's purpose of deterring school jumping and recruitment.

That the March 1, 2003, decision of the Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association that Ramy Younes was ineligible for 90 consecutive school days was affirmed.