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Decision Number
Jason Chaffin
Dan & Kelli Marquardt
Logan-Magnolia Community School District
Full Text

Jason participated in football, basketball, track, Student Council and Spanish Club as a freshman. He participated in these activities as well as National Honor Society, and a science club as a sophomore. Jason violated the District's good conduct policy for the first time during the summer between his sophomore and junior years and served a 3-week suspension during the football season as a consequence.

In April 2002, Jason committed his second violation and did not appeal the underlying circumstances. His parents' were concerned about when the 3-month suspension would begin and end. The focus of this appeal is the penalty for Jason's second violation of the good conduct policy. Principal Sojka sent Jason's parents a letter which quoted applicable parts of the good conduct policy. His parents asked the Board to review the administration's decision. The Board met on April 25, 2002 and upheld the administration's decision. It told Appellants that a student could not choose to participate in a new activity in order to serve the penalty before the student's valued activity began.

In late May, a football fundraiser was held. The administrators decided the 3-month clock could start to run with a football passing camp on June 16, 2002. The result of that scenario was that Jason would miss competing in the first 2 football games of the 2002-2003 season. Principal Sojka sent another letter to Appellants indicating that Jason's suspension would run from June 16 to September 16. Appellants then requested that the Board reconsider its previous decision. On June 17, 2002, the Board again voted to uphold the administration's decision.

Four coaches had implemented separate and varying additional consequences to the good conduct policy for their individual sport. It was undisputed that the Board had not formally adopted these provisions. At two Board meetings addressing Jason's situation, the Board President stated "coaches may supersede what the Board does if they wish," and "the Board is made aware of the individual coach's rules but does not formally approve them." The record shows that the Board's decision with regard to Jason was not unreasonable. The student handbook and the Board's good conduct regulation may not be cast in exactly the same language, but both documents state that a student may not choose when his penalty starts.

Although the State Board of Education concluded that the Board's decision with regard to Jason was reasonable, they did put the District on notice that the individual coaches' inconsistent additions to the Board's good conduct policy are not enforceable. Local board cannot re-delegate their rulemaking authority to individual coaches.

That the decision of the Logan-Magnolia Community School District made on June 17, 2002, declaring Jason Chaffin ineligible to compete in the first 2 football games of the 2002-2003 season, was recommended for affirmance.