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Decision Number
Joanna Grillas
Cynthia Grillas
Earlham Community School District
Full Text

Appellant is a resident of Earlham Community School District. Her daughter, Joanna, enrolled in two classes through the Des Moines Independent Community School District's Central Academy during her freshman year. Joanna received two credits on her Earlham transcript, the number of credits which Central Academy grants for the class. Appellant requested that the District allow her daughter to take tests for two additional credits for the classes taken at Central Academy. At Earlham the each course would receive two credits, for a total of four credits rather than two.

Board policy 604.6, entitled "Recognition of Credits", was designed for homeschooled students and was not extendable to regularly enrolled students. Mrs. Grillas argued that the Central Academy class completed the combined course in half of the time normally alloted. She also argued that Joanna should be allowed to take the tests under Board policy 602.23, "Perfor-mance Testing for Classroom Credit." The principal testified at the hearing that although the District has the discretion to use this policy, it has never done so because of the belief that there are educational benefits to attending and participating in the classes themselves that cannot be realized if a student "tests out."

The Board voted on March 8, 2000, to deny Mrs. Grillas requests. Mrs. Grillas then appealed to the State Board of Education. The Iowa Code and the Iowa Administrative Code give each local board and its administrators considerable discretion to establish instructional requirements within the uniform school requirements.

With regard to Policy 604.6, we conclude that the District was reasonable in its determination that it explicitly applies only to homeschooled students. With regard to Policy 604.23, we conclude that the District was reasonable in its determination that it was not applicable to Joanna's situation.

That the decisions of the Board of Directors of the Earlham Community School District made on March 8, 2000, denying Mrs. Grillas' requests on behalf of Joanna Grillas, were affirmed.