The appellant seeks to reverse a decision made by the Tri-county Community School District (and upheld by the AEA 15 board of directors) to deny his request for a transportation route down his private lane to pick up his children.
The appellant appeared before the local board to request that the school bus deviate from its route to travel the private lane to pick up his children near his home; he also requested each request be evaluated on its merit, as opposed to a blanket "always" or "never". He also requested that if the State Board would not reverse this decision, it could reverse the decision of the local board to engage in "reverse routes".
The decision made by the Tri-County Community School District about deviating from the bus route to travel a private lane is affirmed; however, it is recommended that the local board cease the practice of reversing routes when a majority of the transported children would be required to cross a public highway as a result.